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I mainly rely on my amazing clients' word of mouth for work! See below for their kind thoughts or visit my Testimonial page!

I make websites...

that reflect YOU. Your vibe, your style, your business, your heart.

Taking your vision and turning it into a website that is functional, personal, organized and stunning.

Jenni Joy
Are you ready?
  • YOU HAVE AN IDEA FOR A BUSINESS, but are overwhelmed by the design, many online tools and platforms.

  • YOU'VE SPENT A LOT OF YOUR PRECIOUS TIME trying to figure things out on your own, but it's not working out the way you want it to.

  • YOU WANT TO LOOK PROFESSIONAL, and you value systems that keep you organized as well as nice graphics, but don't know where to start.

  • YOU DON'T KNOW WHO TO GET HELP FROM, nor do you know what you actually need, because there are so many moving pieces to getting your business online and looking good.

  • YOU WANT SOMEONE TO DO THE THINGS YOU'RE NOT GOOD AT, so that you can get back to doing what you love.

I'm your right hand gal.

Making your website launch Easy. Less Hard.

Welcome to the start-up zone, where I take your scattered business ideas - from brand, to website, to graphic design, programs to use, & more - and help you put all the pieces together. We'll set the foundation, so that you can work ON your business, not IN your business. I want you to LOVE working your business, and love your life!


Don't get lost in the marketing "weeds". I'm here to get rid of that overwhelming feeling you may have about launching your biz online.

Jenni Joy

I make websites...

that reflect YOU. Your vibe, your style, your business, your heart.

Taking your vision and turning it into a website that is functional, personal, organized and stunning.

Pssssst... Business Owners

PSA: Stop doing things you're not good at.

It's OKAY that you're not great at everything. It's a hard pill for me to swallow too. Like, if you don't have training on building a website, don't build a website. This applies to all the other parts of your business too! Your time is MOST VALUABLE building and running the business you've created. Stick to what you know, and is directly related to your  zone of genius. When I suck at something, I hand it off to an expert - and you should too. (like bookkeeping - EW!)

I know you want to do it all, but from experience, it will end up costing you less (time AND money) if you hire a pro. You'll also, therefore, look like a pro. I want to help you design and launch your brand and business online - so that you are PROUD to show it off to the world.

You need a tech-savvy, creative mind to help get your business branded, online & findable by your clients!

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Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. - Steve Jobs

Jenni Joy
Hi, I'm Jenni

A decade of working with big thinkers.

I'm a Website Designer, Brand Creator, Digital Marketer, Artist, Right-Hand-Woman, Organized Helper, Mama-bear, Freedom Loving, Mother Nature Nerd, and your #1 biggest fan.

Consider me a design-whiz to have in your back pocket so that you stress-less about graphics, website and the technical online stuff, and focus more on launching and running your biz. I've helped dozens of - entrepreneurs, small businesses, marketing firms, and corporate marketing departments - with all of the marketing things, for my entire career. The last 10+ years, I decided to work directly with the broad & brilliant thinkers who need to bring their vision to life. I LOVE helping, empowering and watching small businesses & entrepreneurs bring their innovative ideas to life!

Jenni is a pleasure to work with. It's hard to find someone that not only has the technical know-how for the behind the scenes work that I need, but also has an eye for branding, culture and copy. I am a big picture creative (and a little bit of a scatter brain) and Jenni keeps my work flow organized and detailed. She's a hard worker, gets the job done fast, and I can always trust her to get my projects off the ground in a timely manner. I appreciate her feedback and opinions on my brand and I always enjoy our time together. We make excellent "work babies" together.

Karla Treadway

Yoga Instructor & Life Coach

If you want a better online presence and/or an online store, which would NEED a better online presence to succeed, you should hire Jenni.

I'm past the age where I "do" tech, or comprehend it, for that matter.  I've been working with Jenni for over 8 years now and I KNOW that I wouldn't still be around without her unrelenting dedication to my business.  


She will take your ideas, and turn them into money, while still having the outside world think it was all your doing.  


She's also one heck of a human being :).  You'd be crazy not to hire Jenni Joy Co!

Karen Albaugh

Salon Owner

What truly set Jenni apart was her unwavering commitment to my success. She was available to address any concerns, questions, and provided all kinds of valuable insights. Her transparent and proactive communication style ensured my confidence, and excitement for my new venture.

All my thanks to Jenni. In a matter of only months, I quit my corporate job, and my business has experienced significant growth. The return on investment from Jenni’s efforts has been truly remarkable.

Client Testimonials

Ready to make your dream come to life?

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